The synthesis of Emeralds began in the 1930’s with the Farben (Igmerald) and the Chatham processes. These were flux process synthetics, created by dissolving gem nutrients in a molten flux, and allowing crystallization on a seed of natural Emerald or Beryl. These did not become widely available until the late 1940’s, while technique refinements were taking place. Most of the synthetic Emeralds produced in the 1940’s and 1950’s were of limited size and quality.
How are Created or Synthetic Emeralds MadeIn the 1960’s, a new method of hydrothermal flux synthesis was applied to Emerald creation. This method is largely used today in the creation of synthetic Emeralds. The technique involves dissolving the crystal nutrients in an acidic solution of water and chemicals at high temperatures and pressures, with crystallization occurring in a cooler chamber in the reactor. These early versions of the present-day hydrothermal Emerald creation were known as Emerita and Symerald.
By 1980, the annual global production of synthetic Emerald was over 500,000 carats. The flux and hydrothermal synthesis of Emerald today remains the primary means of creating Emeralds. Manufacturers of recently produced synthetic Emeralds include Biron, Chatham, Kyocera, Gilson, Inamori, Farben, Lechleitner, Linde and others.
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